Sopetrán Domènech Español


PicturesDrawingsPortraitMusic and painting IllustrationsOther works

Collection Avena Loca. Edit: Patronato Municipal de Cultura. Guadalajara. (1991)
Soledad Santamaría, born in Madrid, left, a cancer victim, in 1995. He left us his poetry.

Soledad tells us: "I am a documentary librarian in a company in the U. S. A., something like 
a spy in documentation. Personally I am a great romantic, dreamy, idealist, inhabitant of a
world without borders, although practical and treading. I am a woman, neither more nor less
than a man, and, above all, a human being.
Never confuse me with a number, with a lamb. I like order, cleanliness, everything in its 
place. "Since 1985 she was director of" Tertulia Dos Mil "at the Casa de Guadalajara in
Madrid, at its headquarters in Pl. De Santa Ana, 15. For those of us who knew her She was a
very vital woman, happy, cheerful, young and beautiful, passionate ... and, at the same
time, with a background of sadness, hurt by the premonition of tragedy.

Amor contemporaneo

Amor contemporáneo

Amor contemporáneo

Amor contemporáneo

Amor contemporáneo

Amor contemporáneo

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